tom report

tom report

Generate reports about your tracked time


Generate reports about your tracked time

tom report [flags]


  -d, --day int                    Select the date range of a given day. For example, 0 is today, -1 is one day ago, etc.
      --decimal                    Print durations as decimals 1.5h instead of 1:30h
      --description string         This will be displayed as the reports description when you're using the default templates
  -f, --from string                The date when the report should start.
  -h, --help                       help for report
      --include-archived           Include archived frames in the reported times (default true)
      --json                       Prints JSON instead of plain text
      --matrix-tables              Show matrix tables when applicable instead of a list of tables (default true)
  -m, --month int[=0]              Filter on a given month. For example, 0 is the current month, -1 is last month, etc.
  -o, --output-file string         Path where the rendered data will be written
  -p, --project strings            --project ID | NAME . Reports activities only for the given project. You can add other projects by using this option multiple times.
      --round-frames string        Rounding mode for sums of durations. Default: no rounding. Possible values: up|nearest
      --round-frames-to duration   Round durations of each frame to the nearest multiple of this duration (default 1m0s)
      --round-totals string        Rounding mode for sums of durations. Default: no rounding. Possible values: up|nearest.
      --round-totals-to duration   Round durations of each frame to the nearest multiple of this duration (default 1m0s)
      --save-config string         Path where the options are saved as a template
      --show-empty                 Show empty groups
      --show-sales                 Show sales summaries
      --show-summary               Show a report summary at the top of the report
      --show-tracked               Show min/max/avg of daily tracked time
      --show-untracked             Show min/max/avg of daily untracked time, i.e. the untracked time between first and last entries of a day
  -s, --split string               Split the report into groups. Multiple values are possible. Possible values: year,month,week,day,project (default "project")
      --subprojects                Automatically add the subprojects of the selected projects. (default true)
      --template string            Template to use for rendering. This may either be a full path to a template file or the name (without extension) of a template shipped with tom. (default "default")
      --template-file string       Custom gohtml template file to use for rendering. See the website for more details.
      --title string               This will be displayed as the reports title when you're using the default templates
  -t, --to string                  Optional end date
  -y, --year int                   Filter on a specific year. 0 is the current year, -1 is last year, etc.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --backup-dir string   backup directory (default is $HOME/.tom/backup)
  -c, --config string       config file (default is $HOME/.tom/tom.yaml)
      --data-dir string     data directory (default is $HOME/.tom)


  • tom - tom is a command line application to track time.