tom projects

tom projects

Prints projects


Prints projects

tom projects [flags]


  -d, --delimiter string        The delimiter to add between property values. Default: TAB (default "\t")
  -f, --format string           A comma separated list of of properties to output. Default: fullName. Possible values: id,fullName,name,parentID,hourlyRate,appliedHourlyRate (default "fullName")
  -h, --help                    help for projects
      --name-delimiter string   Delimiter used in the full project name (default "/")
  -o, --output string           Output format. Supported: plain | json. Default: plain (default "plain")
      --recent int              If set then only the most recently tracked projects will be returned.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --backup-dir string   backup directory (default is $HOME/.tom/backup)
  -c, --config string       config file (default is $HOME/.tom/tom.yaml)
      --data-dir string     data directory (default is $HOME/.tom)


  • tom - tom is a command line application to track time.