tom edit project

tom edit project

edit properties of a project


edit properties of a project

tom edit project fullName | ID [flags]


  -h, --help                    help for project
      --hourly-rate string      Optional hourly rate which applies to this project and all subproject without hourly rate values
  -n, --name string             update the project name
      --name-delimiter string   Delimiter used in full project names (default "/")
  -p, --parent string           update the parent. Use an empty ID to make it a top-level project. A project keeps all frames and subprojects when it's assigned to a new parent project.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --backup-dir string   backup directory (default is $HOME/.tom/backup)
  -c, --config string       config file (default is $HOME/.tom/tom.yaml)
      --data-dir string     data directory (default is $HOME/.tom)


  • tom edit - edit properties of projects or frames